

Community leaders in Emanuel County and Swainsboro urged the state to establish a 这个地区的两年制大学. 成立了委员会,并在州内进行游说 进行了一级,但没有立竿见影的效果.


In December of this 一年, the Board of Regents of the 佐治亚大学系统 authorized a study to determine the need for additional two-一年 colleges in the state.


Six possible sites, including the Swainsboro–Emanuel County area, were approved with the stipulation that the county of each prospective site provide the land or property for a campus site, as well as the funds for constructing and furnishing the initial 物理设施.


In September, the citizens of Emanuel County voted for a bond issue of $2.100万年 承担一所新学院的费用. 伊曼纽尔县教育委员会,代表 the citizens of the county and working with the local college committee, also provided a wooded site of 207 acres (190 acres of which were donated by 运气Flanders Gambrell) 在斯温斯伯勒的市区范围内. 1971年12月,校董会给了 final approval for the campus site and named the new college Emanuel County Junior 大学. 


Construction of the campus at 131大学圈 in Swainsboro began in December, 但进展缓慢.


Fall quarter saw the charter class of 167 students attending classes in temporary quarters at the Swainsboro National Guard Armory, while the campus was completed. Administrative offices were housed in the Coleman Hotel Building and faculty offices 戴维斯药店上方.

Dr. 乔治•布什(George W. Walker named the first President of Emanuel County Junior 大学.


的 Swainsboro campus was completed and students began to attend for the 1974-75 academic 一年.


Emanuel County Junior 大学 is officially accredited by the Southern Association 高等院校联合会(SACS).

Dr. 威利D. Gunn, Dean of the 大学 since 1972, is named the second President 的ECJC.


1988年秋季入学的学生有617人. 学院正式更名为东方学院 乔治亚学院(EGC).


学院的纽带在校园里燃烧. 威利·D总统. 冈恩从东乔治亚退休 大学.


Dr. 耶利米J. Ashcroft II, Dean of the 大学 since 1977, is named the third President 东乔治亚学院.          


EGC注册人数达到917人. 校园计算机网络安装完毕.


East Georgia 大学 expanded to include a location in Statesboro at the Harvey House 在佐治亚南方大学校园里.


庆祝EGC成立25周年. 新幸运号的奠基仪式举行了 弗兰德斯·甘布雷尔中心,以布朗夫人的名字命名. 运气F. Gambrell. 教资会与大学 of Georgia’s Selig Center for 经济增长 at the Terry 大学 of Business co-host 第一届乔治亚州农村经济展望午宴.


拉克·弗兰德斯·甘布雷尔大楼于今年完工. 膨胀的砖结构 houses the college's library, a large auditorium, classrooms, computer laboratories 以及支持设施和行政办公室.

的 Vision Series at EGC begins, bringing in speakers, musicians, theatre, and more 为校园和社区.


福斯特J. Watkins, retired president of Gainesville 大学, is appointed Interim EGC总裁.


President Jimmy Carter speaks to East Georgia 大学 as part of the Vision Series.

体育综合大楼建设新翼. 这包括体育馆, 健身中心和教室.



Dr. 约翰·布莱克成为东乔治亚学院的第四任校长. 佐治亚大学的Seilig 中心报告说,EGC对区域经济的影响为27美元.800万年.


Always a part of campus life at East Georgia, the official Piney Woods Disc Golf Course opened on the Swainsboro campus, providing a fun and challenging course to all that 访问.


的 Student Center on the Swainsboro campus completes its addition and renovation 增加行政办公室和学生餐厅.



EGC students voted to add an athletics program to include men's and women's basketball, 男子棒球和女子快投垒球.

East Georgia hosted the first State Intercollegiate Disc Golf Tournament ever held 在佐治亚州的派尼伍兹飞盘高尔夫球场.

的 Miss 十大彩票平台 Scholarship Pageant officially joins the Miss 佐治亚奖学金选拔制度.


East Georgia 大学 joins the National Junior 大学 Athletic Association (NJCAA) 8月1日.

的 main entrance of the 大学 relocates to Lambs Bridge Road and Madison Dixon 驱动器专用.


山猫田径 hosts its first 一年 of competitive play in the Georgia Junior 大学 体育协会(GJCAA).

A捐赠.D. "皮特"和阿达·李·科雷尔,Sudie A. 富尔福德社区学习 Center, named for Ada Lee's mother, a local schoolteacher, opens on May 1.




十大彩票平台 - Statesboro opened its newly-constructed building on Highway 南301号为接待班级和行政办公室.

East Georgia 大学 opened its first residential housing option, Bobcat Villas. 的 residential housing offers dorm rooms to students on the Swainsboro campus. L.C. "Shot" and Jean Strange Learning and 娱乐 Center (called the Clubhouse), was 于2011年12月7日落成.


约翰·B总统. 布莱克将于12月31日退休.       


十大彩票平台 holds its first 首页coming Celebration on February 4.

的 Student Center is officially dedicated to longtime supporter of the 大学, Jean 安德森摩根. 牛仔裤A. 摩根学生活动中心很快被称为 学生们的“JAM”.

的 college officially changes its name to 十大彩票平台 in May.

Learning Commons officially opens, encompassing the 图书馆, Heritage Center, 卓越学术中心和公共咖啡馆.

In Fall 2012, the first cohort of students begin the new Bachelor of Science in Biology 该项目是EGSC第一个提供四年制学位的项目.

Dr. 罗伯特·G. 11月13日,Boehmer被任命为EGSC的第五任主席.


十大彩票平台 opened their Augusta location embedded in Augusta University's 萨默维尔校区. 原来在佩恩大厅,我们现在位于加洛韦大厅 and provide students opportunities to use many of AU's services, including the library, 娱乐中心,餐饮服务.

的 Men's Basketball Team won the Division 1 State GCAA tournament and ranked 8th nationally following the NJCAA Tournament in Hutchinson, Kansas.

的 Piney Woods Disc Golf Course on the Swainsboro campus hosted the National Collegiate 飞盘高尔夫锦标赛预选赛.

EGSC’s regional economic impact is $70 million according to UGA’s Selig Center for 经济增长.


博士授衔. 罗伯特·G. 博纳将于9月27日举行.


On August 17, a ribbon cutting was held for the Academic Building Expansion Project, which added over 13,000 square feet of new classroom 空间 and renovated the existing 空间. This included five new classrooms, a large tiered classroom, two new biology 实验室,一个生物项目实验室和一个生物准备室.


Dr. 罗伯特·博纳将于12月退休.

Dr. 道恩·卡特被任命为临时总统.


Dr. David Schecter被任命为EGSC第六任主席.

In January, EGSC-Statesboro moved to the Nessmith-Lane Building on the campus of Georgia 为我们的学生提供更好的服务.

Vision Series events return to EGSC with Chancellor Sonny Perdue speaking in September 以及作家凯西·布拉德利在11月的演讲. 



博士授衔. 大卫·谢克特于10月13日举行.